It is a well-known fact that many projects fail to meet some or all of their objectives because some risks were either: underestimated, not quantified or unaccounted for. It is the objective of every project manager and risk analysis to ensure that the project that is delivered is the one that was expected. With the right know-how and the right tools, this can easily be achieved on projects of almost any size. We are going to present a quick primer on project risk analysis and how it can positively impact the bottom line. We are also going to show you how Primavera Risk Analysis can quickly identify risks and performance drivers that if managed correctly will enable organizations to meet or exceed project delivery expectations.
Change is constant. Or so the saying goes. However, even change is ever-varying. So perhaps we should say: Change is constantly changing. As occupants of planet earth, we intuitively know this and yet strive to keep everything the same, at least those things that do well by us. Uncertainty derails the best of our plans, even uncertainties that we recognize up front.